
Digging out

Digging out.... It's been something. There are 5 ft snow banks in the back yard. My car is still under a snow drift. I can walk to the store and get a few things.  AND we are suppose to get more snow. Shelves were looking bare.  

Christmas Blizzard Style

When what do my wondering eyes should appear...... Them digging us out of our current nightmare with the sky so blue.... It really feels like a Christmas miracle.  And I got my hot water back.... I bought some groceries as a 'Just in case'    so we were able to have a nice Christmas Dinner. I have fabulous neighbors that helped plow my driveway out on Christmas no less.  So even though my Christmas plans to be with family were completely ruined and it was not anything I ever imagined. It really brings tears to my eyes.... This storm really humbles you.  To know that I was able to be in my house with power when so many could not.  To know people were trapped and froze to death in their cars and I did my best to help the ones that I could.  To have the town plow our street out when I'm enjoying a Christmas feast.  To know I have awesome neighbors that helped plow me out my driveway on Christmas... I have no doubt we were in one of the hardest hit areas and I almost feel guilt

Christmas Blizzard Style

Santa did make it with his magical Sleigh and reindeer and Rudolph....  Happy Little Elves opening gifts...  

Christmas Eve Blizzard Style

We dressed in matching pj's, Frosted cookies and watched the Bills win again To be AFCEast Division Champs again.   We drank Hot Chocolate bombs and tried to pretend that this was a normal Christmas Eve.  

Christmas Eve -Blizzard Addition

The winds were unrelenting, the drifts were getting high. The wind chill was so cold that it froze one of my pipes and the insulation was blown out in the basement (better than I burst pipe.) But is Christmas Eve.....  

Buffalo Blizzrd of 2022

I have no words for this day..... This was one of the hardest days I have encountered.... First and foremost I did have a warm place to stay and I didn't have to go out and we never lost power.  We baked cookes and watched movies and relaxed waiting for Christmas....  However the winds howled and gust shook the house even causing the pictures on the walls to rattle in the back of my mind we could loose power at any time and many people did around my area.  The other realization was that if something happened that noone would be able to get us and we could never get out.  Most of the time the conditions were worse than this picture.  The other was helping strandeded motorist and knowing no one could come and save them so you tried to help.  However the snow was above your knees and the windchill was -24.   This was life and death conditions for people .  We helped 2 cars/ trucks try to get out...