Christmas Blizzard Style

When what do my wondering eyes should appear...... Them digging us out of our current nightmare with the sky so blue.... It really feels like a Christmas miracle.  And I got my hot water back....
I bought some groceries as a 'Just in case'    so we were able to have a nice Christmas Dinner. I have fabulous neighbors that helped plow my driveway out on Christmas no less. 

So even though my Christmas plans to be with family were completely ruined and it was not anything I ever imagined.

It really brings tears to my eyes.... This storm really humbles you.  To know that I was able to be in my house with power when so many could not.  To know people were trapped and froze to death in their cars and I did my best to help the ones that I could.  To have the town plow our street out when I'm enjoying a Christmas feast.  To know I have awesome neighbors that helped plow me out my driveway on Christmas... I have no doubt we were in one of the hardest hit areas and I almost feel guilty complaining how tough this was when others had it so much worse.  By far the most memorable Christmas I ever had and no gift will ever come close to the gratefulness of  what went on this day... 
It really truly is a Christmas Miracle and am truly blessed.