Buffalo Blizzrd of 2022

I have no words for this day.....
This was one of the hardest days I have encountered.... First and foremost I did have a warm place to stay and I didn't have to go out and we never lost power.  We baked cookes and watched movies and relaxed waiting for Christmas.... 
However the winds howled and gust shook the house even causing the pictures on the walls to rattle in the back of my mind we could loose power at any time and many people did around my area.  The other realization was that if something happened that noone would be able to get us and we could never get out.  Most of the time the conditions were worse than this picture.  The other was helping strandeded motorist and knowing no one could come and save them so you tried to help.  However the snow was above your knees and the windchill was -24.   This was life and death conditions for people .  We helped 2 cars/ trucks try to get out...