Crappy Sunday....

It snowed..... It snowed during the Bills game.  Not that I got to see any of it or even know what the score was.  Alex had been sick since Friday with some kind of Stomach virus.  He was looking a little dehydrated so I took him in during the game.  I swear they treated us bad becaus the game was on.  I was stuck in a room with no cell or internet and had no idea what was going on during the game.  As everybodybody says... you didn't miss much however when your not given an opportunity to choose for yourself it sucks.    They gave him zofran, fed him stuff and sent him home.   He threw up as soon as he walked through the door.....helpful

Anyway the game.... I know it was suppose to be there year and they were suppose to win it all... It hurt.  And even though I didn't see it I guess they didn't show up.  To me, I'm not surprised.  I wish I was wrong but I remember feeling like total crap at the beginning of this year... The blizzard  then all the stuff after and watching the Bills player go down.  When all was done and said I could feel the adrenaline leave my body. When you spend weeks highly charged like that and you finally get a chance to process it,the let down your body feels and have no control over it. It would probably have been better if they had to go through yet another challenge to be honest...  Yes they are athletes but they are human.  This is what the human body does.