
Earth Day


NiagaraFalls and the Silo

Beautiful Spring day, great weather and the Silo was open. So we went The new Visitors Center in Niagara Falls. Its coming along. Almost done Tulips in Bloom  The Back of the Vistor Center

Busy Day

Andrew had a nephrology apt and it took forever.  We went to eat after at Charlie the Butcher. Alex had an Appointment too. Jon Baseball practice followed by a Band Concert and to finish the night.... Andrew had his sleep study test.  

Cherry Blossoms


Winter Showed up

Sleet and Rain Tried Popeye's  

Summer to Winter

So we went from 86 degrees to 37 degrees over night...... It literally blew in like crazy. Should be used to it at this point since nothing has been gentle this year.... My drive to do anything was gone with this weather  

Outer Habour and Tift

Andrew isn't with.... but when the pandemic started I took them here to try to deal with the pressures of the pandemic and winter and no school.... It was a hard time.  Its 3+ yrs past now and it took us on quite the adventure.   But doesn't mean I forgot those dark days... or sitting on the bench