
Oppenhiem Park


Baseball and Swimming

Jonathan as the Catcher.... My typical summer day this year.  

Wading pool Sunday


Grandpaerents House, Swimming and the Fair


Niagara Falls History Museum

So I decided this would be another fun place to check out since we were there. Andrew loves his history and its a little off the beaten path. Not in the best section of Niagara Falls.  But it was a cute little museum and there were only 3 other people besides us there.  

Niagara Falls Power Station (CANADA)

This adventure was inspired by Alex.  He kept asking me what was that building over there by the Falls.  Its their old power plant. It boggled his mind that it was still there and they didn't use it and what about ours?  So we have been to the "new" power vista and the old Scholkopf  site were ours fell down. Apparently he's not the only one that questioned the buildings existence as they opened it up last year and this year you can walk the tunnel to the Falls. The elevator going down to the tunnel This tunnel was more of a walk than I thought it would be but on a hot day it felt great.  This place was not busy and I'm happy for that. I figured that most people that are visiting the Falls are not there to really take in the Power Station and its new too.   This last one is of Table rock.