
Showing posts from October, 2022

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween.  There were barely anybody on our street so we went down to were they had all the decorations and it was a party down there. Jonathan in the Stay Puff Marshmallow suit. Even the Fire dept was there.  

Last Day of October

This is how te day started.... Not bad for a Monday..... It's Halloween and the Bills are nnow 6-1 and we get this 1st thing in the morning.... So the kids had a half day of school and I asked them were they wanted to go..... Pumpkin patch or City Hall..... They ALL  choose City Hall.   It was kinda rainy for the pumpkin patch anyway So we parked near Canalside and took the Subway/Trolley to City Hall as finding parking around City Hall is hard Yeah its raining on and off The veiw of the city. Our city hall is amazing work of art.  My favorite street vendor was out even in te rain... I love this stuff...Ithink this is chicken and beef.  He has lamb too. All of it fabulous.Its over rice and with a salad.  They  love it too and talked me into it.  Not like that was hard.

Go Bills

Another day messing around Downtown Buffalo.  I guess we could have done another Halloween event.There are a few neighborhoods that do Beggar's night... but with the Bill's on Sunday night football.... well giving the whole Halloween thing a break till tomorrow. It's kind of dead down here since the Bills are at home  Lets go Buffalo!!!!

Halloween Events

Malloween at Eastern Hills Mall and Parade with the Cleveland Hill Fire Dept.  

Buffalo Science Museum

With a rare Saturday at home we went to the Science Museum and got to go on the roof.   It was the last of the year knowing that winter is coming.  What was fun for Alex is they let him play with the control to open the doors for the telescope. Buffalo in its Fall glory Then we went downtown and had lunch at Pizza Plant.  

Carving Pumpkins
