
Showing posts from May, 2022

Splash Pad

With the weather warm, we are taking dull advantage of places to get wet.... Oppenheim park  

Darien Lake


Memorial Day


Laser Light Show at Buffalo's Waterfront

For Memorial Day Weekend thd the Bufalo Waterfront put on a Laser Light show. Looks much like Darien Lakes. I have no idea if Darien Lake is doing there's but if not its probably over here.  It was nice but since I've seen this kind of stuff for many years it was kind of boring to me.

Opening weekend of Darien lake



This little guy loves learning about space. Had no idea back in February that this would spark his interest so much but he loves learning about all things space.  It helps he's been to Kennedy Space Center and the Intrepid this year. So off we go the program #3 at the Planetarium and this time about Solar Storms.  
 Here I am again starting a new blog. Had no intention of starting a new blog but here I am.... When you have been blogging for years and things change and they limit the pictures... ETC.. then I get caught not being able to do anymore on one and having to start fresh. previous blogs are and


Jon had a baseball game and I took Ales over to Target with me.   He talked me into a baseball Minecraft hat and a birdhouse to paint.   Jon was much nicer this game...  Boy do I love teenagers said no parent ever.....